Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Updated Photos of Sweet Pryce!!!

Recently a group of people from our adoption agency went to Korea, and we always get the opportunity to send a few small gifts with them for our little one.  They always bring us back photos and sometimes a video.  Here are some pictures of Pryce playing with the toy we sent him and reading one of the books we sent.  
We are amazed at how big he is getting.  He weights the same as Jett.  We are pretty sure Jett will have a big brother instead of a little one.  We are so excited for what 2012 will bring for our family.  Hopefully, we will be traveling to get our precious baby boy and bringing him HOME!!!!!
 He's a thumb sucker.  So cute!!!!!

 We also sent some family photos but I think he is more interested in the phone we sent him.  

 Look at those hands and feet...he is going to be a big boy!

 We cannot get over how cute this kid is and he's all ours!!!  Yay!!!!

He's standing on his own.  We aren't sure if he is walking yet.

1st Birthday Photo
This is an older picture of Pryce in his traditional Korean hanbok.  They wear these for their 1st birthday and other formal occasions.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I know, I'm horrible at this...

I'm so sorry I am such a slacker blogger.  I really do have good intentions.  :)

Here are some new pictures of sweet Pryce.  His birthday is Sunday September 18th.  I can't believe he will be 1.  I wish so badly we were sharing it with him.

 He's already a Cowboys fan!!!
 Look at the cute face.  I can't wait to meet him.  
A sweet friend showed me this on pinterest.com.  It pretty much sums everything up for me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yesterday we got new pictures of Pryce.  Oh my gosh...he is the cutest, and I want him now.  I'm so in love with my adorable baby boys!  We are still waiting to go get him.  It's going to be quite awhile longer.  So sad about that.  We know that our paper work is going through.  Last Saturday we received confirmation from the US government that Korea can issue Pryce his Visa.  Yay!!!!  (At least I think that's what that meant...thank goodness for Aaron or I would never get all this figured out.)   This makes us happy to know that things are moving along.  We are continually praying God will give us Pryce or lots of patience. 

We think this is his foster mom.  We are so thankful that he is being taken care of so well.  
She looks so nice.

 Look at that face.  Oh my gosh!!!!!!  I want to hold him so bad. 
 About a month ago we got to send over a few things.  We sent him that toy and of course, an Oklahoma State T-shirt.  Go Pokes!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Awww...The wait!!!

Well, most of you know that we are having to wait to go get our sweet little Korean baby, Pryce.  We got an email a few days ago telling us the wait time has increased to 10-13 months.  Soooo sad about this!  In the meantime, we will be raising money to pay off our loan.  Don't forget to order your shirt.  You can see the shirts on my earlier post.  Email me if you want a shirt.  reeves.teri@gmail.com  

While we wait for Pryce, we will enjoy our time with sweet but crazy Jett!
This is picture is at my parents house in Durant.  They have this field full of flowers.  It was a beautiful setting for pictures of the kids.

 Easter Egg hunting in Durant.  Jett's favorite part was pulling all the grass out of his basket.  
 Oh...and the candy!  He is my son.  

 This is one of our favorite faces that he makes.  Anytime a phone rings he makes this face.  
Love it!!!!!
 This is Mother's Day.  We are so cool in our sunglasses.  It was a great Mother's Day.
 Jett loves to ride the tractor with Daddy.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby Pryce

Introducing the newest member of our family 
Pryce Lee Reeves.  
He is still in Korea living with a foster family.  Aaron and I are so eager to go get him and bring him home but it could be up to 10 more months before we can travel.

Isn't he adorable?????
We love him so much!!!!!

In the meantime, we are still raising money to help pay for that chubby little guy.  Sooo, since we are in the T-shirt business, we are selling T-shirts.  
Our model, Aaron, is wearing the "America or Bust" T-shirt.  This is a fun one because you get to pick your size but the T-shirt will arrive to you in a random color.  
Cost:  $10

 Our lovely model, Teri, is wearing the "We've got Seoul"  T-shirt.  It is featured with a front and back print (back of shirt shown below).  
Cost:  $15
If you want to help us out and get a cool T-shirt, let us know.  We need to know the size and if you live outside of Stillwater, where to ship it.  

Thanks so much for all the support and prayers.  
Keep praying!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where the Wild Things Are

Monday morning I go into Jett's room to get him out of bed and this is the hair I see.  
The kid has got some crazy hair!!!

He was all smiles during breakfast.

Yummy...good muffin!!!

On a different note, Aaron and I managed to tag team getting the 60 pounds of change to the bank.  
Drum role please...it was 


Yessssss!!!!  We are almost there my little Korean baby!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rubber Gloves or Rubber Boots...You Decide

So, 95% of Jett's adorable clothes come from Aaron's cousins Jessica and Travis.  They have Justus who is just about 1 year older than Jett.  Things worked out perfectly for Aaron and I.  We have saved a ton of $ and Justus' clothes are so cute.  We received another shipment a few days ago and Jett immediately picked out the Rubber Boots.  As you can see from the pictures he first wanted to wear them on his hands, then he tried them on his feet.  They are still a little bit too big, but he wears those boots around all the time.  Sometimes on his hands and sometimes on his feet.  Soooo funny!!!

Wild Hair!!!!!!
He had some trouble walking at first, but he's got it down now.

The boots are constantly falling off, so Aaron and I spend all our time putting them back on.  

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Sweetest...

Here are some pictures of sweet Baby Jett.  He has been sick for over a week and a very needy child, but it has been nice to get extra cuddle time with him.  He is usually so busy we are lucky if he sits still long enough to eat.  
 When the weather would allow, we would go outside to play.  Mostly he just walks around and picks up leaves and sticks to throw.  

 I love this picture.  Notice the stick in his hand.
 So...Jett loves to sit in baskets or boxes, pretty much anything he can crawl in and out of.  This was laundry day and he got in the basket while I was putting the clothes in.  I had to carry him around the house in the basket with the clothes.  He is a lightweight, but it was a heavy load to carry.  
Jett LOVES Lucy and Katie.  They tolerate him.  He always crawls in the chair to sit with them while they rest.  Can you tell they are annoyed by him?  But he can't help himself.  He is just like his daddy, loves the four legged creatures.  

Friday, February 25, 2011

What we do on a Friday Night!!!!!

So...my dad brought us a gift for our adoption fund when they came up for the dinner last week.  The bottle that Aaron is holding was full of coins that he had been saving for 15+ years.  My parents weighed the bottle, and it weighed 60 pounds.  60 pounds of change...how much money is that???????  

We decided to sort it out.  Aaron took on the task, while I mopped the floors.  So much fun going on in our house tonight!!!

He finished sorting it all.  And money is soooo dirty!!!!!!

Anyone want to guess on how much it will end up being?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Korean Adoption Dinner

Wow!!!!  That is all we can say about our Fundraiser Dinner.  It was such a fun night.  Aaron and I couldn't stop talking about how much fun we had and the generosity of everyone there.

 The Rackley's
Jerry and Emma were our guest speakers, and they did awesome!!!

 Thank you Stefen for playing the guitar for us on your birthday!  We appreciate it.
The Parentals
Thanks for coming out and supporting us.  
We love you very much!!!
Belinda Butler...what a lady.  She was a huge part of our dinner.  We like to call her the "wine lady".  
A few of our lovely helpers!!  
Look at that beautiful table.  

Our Guests!!!!!

These ladies were awesome.  Thanks so much for all your help!!!
It is only because of these two people that this night happened.  
Thanks so much Moore's!!!!!!
You are Rock Stars!!!

Aaron and I want to send out a special thanks to Jon & Suzanne Wiese who let us use their beautiful house and Brad & Missy Morgan for providing us with that yummy meat.