Friday, February 25, 2011

What we do on a Friday Night!!!!! dad brought us a gift for our adoption fund when they came up for the dinner last week.  The bottle that Aaron is holding was full of coins that he had been saving for 15+ years.  My parents weighed the bottle, and it weighed 60 pounds.  60 pounds of much money is that???????  

We decided to sort it out.  Aaron took on the task, while I mopped the floors.  So much fun going on in our house tonight!!!

He finished sorting it all.  And money is soooo dirty!!!!!!

Anyone want to guess on how much it will end up being?


  1. you did this without me!!!?? how dare you take this fun away from me!!

  2. hmmm...i'm horrible at these sort of things. i guess $300??? but i secretly hope it's more than that!
