Friday, July 27, 2012


I couldn't be more excited to be home.  It feels wonderful, aside from the fact that we are totally and completely exhausted.  We are praying for a good nights sleep tonight.  We'll see how it goes.  

Things seem to be going well.  Everyone is adjusting.  Poor Jett is sick so I think things are extra hard for him right now, but really he is doing great with Pryce being here.   He is having more trouble sharing his clothes than his toys.  Crazy kid.  

Yesterday was a very long day, but Pryce was a great flyer.  He is a very busy boy so we did a lot of walking on the planes but he slept on every flight.  There were a few tears and complaints but for the most part it went pretty well, not that I want to take a 22 month old on an airplane again anytime soon.    Arriving back into OKC was awesome!!!  So many friends and family there to greet us.  I cried, surprise, surprise.  I was so excited to see Jett and he was soooo sweet to Pryce.  Just kissing and hugging him.  Pryce was not quite so excited to see Jett or maybe see me holding Jett.  We are still working on that one.  It is wonderful to see our family together...finally.  

Loves shoes!!!

Loves the camera and having his picture taken!!!

On the Airbus a380 getting ready to fly home.  

He slept for quite a while on this flight.  He was taking up most of my seat, but I was just glad he was asleep.  

I am looking a little tired.

Jett and Pryce eating some noodles.  Pryce is a master noodle eater.  It is something to see.  Jett on the other hand is not.  It was so fun to see them sitting there next to each other.  

Pryce is checking out Lucy and Katie.  He likes them as long as they don't get too close.  

Cute kid!!!

Playing hockey with Jett and daddy.  I do think that Pryce is playing with a golf club though.


You have to watch out for this swing.  It can take a shin out.  


  1. I think I took over 150 pictures today..... obsessive aunt much??

  2. so fun to see the whole family together! i can't wait to come visit and meet him!! he is such a cutie! (so proud of you and the flight...well done!) xo
